Yellow Wagtails

I have dubbed this litter the Yellow Wagtails because their little tails just never stop wagging. When I come downstairs in the morning they are all standing on their hind legs peering over the top of the whelping box, tails going nineteen to the dozen, then as soon as I open the door, they swarm after me onto the patio for a group hug before trotting off to do their business, sterns happily waving all the time.
They love to have something new to explore and the provision of a plastic bread basket has proved popular, with puppies climbing on top, as well as crawling underneath; at one point they managed to lift it right off the ground and move across the patio like a gigantic red plastic tortoise with random feet and tails poking out, causing me to cry with laughter.
I take them into the main part of the garden either one at a time or in small groups, so that I can be sure they don’t eat something they shouldn’t or get into the pond, and it also gives me a chance to get to know each puppy individually, as well as giving them the chance of interacting with their Auntie, Granny and Great Grandmother, who will soon be thirteen years old.

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